Friday 18 September 2020

Trying To Get Back To Blogging

 Hello from a very sheepish Fliss! I just realised how long it is since my poor blog had any attention from me and I'm really hoping to do better from now on.

There's been a lot of family drama going on in the background, mostly concerning my increasingly frail father in law as lockdown has not been good for his general wellbeing at all. His walking is now very bad due to his not being able to leave his home for several months and he's now very wobbly and has had several falls, the last one when he fell off a chair and hit his head so he ended up in hospital for a week. He's now requiring a lot of care with 4 times a day visits which the family are corrently dealing with and as you can imagine, it's taken up a lot of time!

On top of that, we have business worries with lack of work, furloughing staff, making staff redundant and so on. I won't bore you with that as I know lots of people are in the same boat.

I'm here today to share my artwork that is on That's Crafty! Blog and is one of the samples that I created for the One Day Special on Hochanda last week. There's also a pic of last week's one too underneath. I have to say that crafting has been the only thing to keep me sane at the moment as there seems to be no end in sight for the current doom and gloom!

As you can see, the latest release from That's Crafty! has seen the return of inchies, twinchies and dominoes but with a twist from Laura and Graham as they devised surfaces for whole sets to sit on if that's what you want to do, although of course you don't have to as my second pic shows 😀

I'm also getting to grips with the new Blogger format so really hope this comes out right!

I'll be round to visit shortly I promise and please forgive me for being missing for so long.

Fliss xx


Valerie-Jael said...

Good to see you around again Fliss. Sorry you are still having such problems just now. As you say, arting and crafting are big helps in staying sane. The pieces you made are lovely. Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

Sue said...

It's good to see you back Fliss but I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time. Any one of these problems would be enough to deal with, but to have them all at once must make life impossible. Your artworks are fabulous, and I can well imagine that it's this that's keeping you sane at the moment! Take care, Sue xx