Friday, 9 January 2015

Chirpy, Chirpy, Cheep, Cheep!

Hello there, I hope you've all had a good week and better than mine which has been very tiring as I'm working full time at the moment due to being in accountancy and the tax return deadline is fast looming at the end of the month - sigh!
I have a project today over at That's Crafty which is a bird themed tag which involved some of the leftovers from my blue challenge project. Hope you like it!

You'll find all the details over at the blog as usual if you want to wing your way over and see how it came about.

Have a great day and a lovely weekend.

Fliss xx


Valerie-Jael said...

It's beautiful, I love everything with birds. Hope the month will not be too stressful for you! Hugs, Valerie

Joan said...

I do love that little bird! lovely piece ,I'm off to have a look at the blog now


Astrid Maclean said...

Love your project Fliss, that little bird is so sweet, it looks great on your project here, sitting on that little twig, - very clever!