Friday, 5 April 2019

Tempus Fugit Yet Again!

Hello everyone, sorry to have been missing for so long, I've not had much time for blogging yet again with my ongoing family issues and also quite a lot of DT work as That's Crafty! had a One Day Special on 11th and 12th March and 2 more shows on 22nd March. As well as that, I've had a lot of work on the accounting side preparing for the HMRC making tax digital requirements as regards VAT - eek!
Below you'll find my sneak peek of my That's Crafty! Blog tutorial up today and underneath that, some of the makes I've not shared here yet.

Here are some more makes

Hope you enjoyed these and I have quite a lot more that I'll be sharing over the coming weeks.

There will be another post today too as I finally managed to finish a mixed media piece of artwork that I've been working on sporadically over the last couple of weeks.

Sorry it's been so long and will be round very soon.
Fliss xx

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