Monday, 10 June 2019

Affirmations ATCs and more

Hello, it's been a very wet, cold and dismal day here and it's very hard to believe it's actually June when it seems more like April!
I have something rather cheery to share as I've been joining in with the challenges over at Mixed Media Learning Zone and the final one is affirmations. I've made a trio with my own affirmations and I hope you like them.

I've also got a card to share as it was my niece Lucy's birthday on Saturday and I made her a simple card with a floral theme and my favourite birthday sentiment (a Hero Arts stamp I've had for ages).

Have a great week and see you soon.

Fliss xx


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful pieces, lovely colours. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

brenda said...

Indeed it it wet Fliss, at 5am it sounded more like November outside with the wind and beating rain. A lovely display of pretty creations.

B x

Craftychris said...

I am lovely your affirmation ATC's - so bright and beautiful, just what we need. Fab affirmations too! Gorgeous card, Lucy must have loved it! Sorry I have been away from blogland for so long. xxx

Dorthe said...

Hello dear Fliss, so wonderful and colorful tags - trying to send off the cold and rainy weather , I hope you succeed :-)
They are gorgeous Fliss, and love the card for your niece !!
Hugs from Dorthe ,- xoxoxoxo